What is Obesity?
Obesity is defined as an excessively high amount of body fat in relation to lean body mass.
Am I Obese?
You just need to find your height and weight and enter into our handy BMI calculator.
The resulting number will provide you with your BMI (body mass index).
If your BMI is >35 kg/m2, you are likely to have significant health problems.
However this is not always true and to a certain extent depends on your age, build and ethnic background.What are the Causes of Obesity?
Obesity is caused by various factors including:
- Energy imbalance
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Environmental factors
- Family history
- Disease conditions
- Medicines
- Emotional factors
- Age
What are the Health Consequences of Obesity?
Major health consequences
- Premature death (shorter life expectancy)
- Obese people have more risk for heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers (breast, uterine, colon), breathing difficulties (e.g., sleep apnea, asthma), arthritis, pregnancy complications, gall bladder problems, urinary incontinence, depression and digestive disorders (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
Risks to psychological and social well-being
- Negative self-image
- Social isolation
- Discrimination
Difficulties with day-to-day living
- Normal tasks become harder when you are obese
- You tend to tire more quickly and you find yourself short of breath
- Public transport seats and cars may be too small for you
- You may find it difficult to maintain personal hygiene
Which Surgery for me?
Choosing an appropriate surgical option is very important. The decision about the surgery should be made after your surgeon has discussed with you all the risks and benefits of each procedure.
Will my Health Insurance Pay for the Procedure?
Most insurance companies pay for weight loss surgery if the surgery is medically necessary. Please check with your health care plan to determine whether you meet their criteria. If you do not have insurance, it is best to contact us for information regarding self-pay.
How Long is the Hospital Stay?
Depending on the exact type (laparoscopic or open) of surgery you have, you will either be discharged home on the same day of surgery or be admitted for one night’s stay.
Is Surgery Painful?
Your doctor will prescribe pain medications/injections to help relieve post-operative pain and make you feel comfortable.
Can I Still Get Pregnant After Weight Loss Surgery?
It is recommended that pregnancy should be avoided at least during the first twelve months after surgery and during the active weight loss phase. Consultation with your gynecologist will be helpful if you are considering pregnancy.
Can I Drink Alcohol after Surgery?
Some studies have shown weight loss surgery patients may be at an increased risk for alcohol abuse following certain bariatric procedures. Alcohol also is high in calories and may affect you differently than prior to your surgery. discuss your concerns about alcohol with your surgeon before undergoing the procedure.
What Kind of Exercises can I do after Surgery?
Walking is an excellent exercise that you can begin immediately after your surgery. When you may return to work depends on your occupation and how fast you recover.
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- Revision Weight Loss Surgery
- What is Metabolic Surgery?
- Five Things to Expect Following Weight Loss Surgery
- Is It Time to Consider Weight Loss Surgery?
- Obesity FAQs
- Why Lose Weight?